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How to heal & manage dry feet

Dry and chapped feet and how to manage them

Cracked heels also known as heel fissures, are often a non-issue and a simple cosmetic problem and a nuisance, but they can also lead to serious medical problems especially when they are deep and bleeding. 

Scientifically, the skin on the feet tends to become drier as there are no oil glands present there. This dryness causes the skin to become flaky and ultimately crack.

Dry cracked heels 

  • Lack of moisturization
  • standing for long hours
  • walking around barefoot, or with open-back sandals
  • taking long, hot showers
  • using harsh soaps that can strip your skin of natural oils
  • shoes that don’t fit properly or support your heels
  • dry skin due to climate, such as cold temperatures or low humidity.

It can also be as a result of medical conditions like vitamin deficiency, fungal infection, eczema, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, diabetes, hypothyroidism, pregnancy, obesity, aging, juvenile plantar dermatosis and palmoplantar keratoderma, causes abnormal skin thickening on the soles and palms.

In severe cases, you may develop complications with a cracked heel, especially if it’s caused by a medical condition. Complications can include:

  • a loss of feeling/sensation in your heel
  • cellulitis, an infection
  • diabetic foot ulcer.

How To avoid dry and cracked feet:

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