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Protect Your Health – Get a Flu Vaccine

I don’t know about you, but when I hear the word ‘Flu’ I think Doomsday. Cases of flu and colds are terrible and sometimes incapacitating. It’s worse when most flu medications make you drowsy and unproductive.
There are even some grim cases of death as a result of flu or flu-related infections. This especially affects vulnerable immunity populations like children, the elderly and the sick.

Frequently Asked Questions

What you need to know

Who can get the vaccine?

If you are above the age of 6 months, you are eligible to get a flu shot. However, your health status should be accessed to ensure that you’re healthy or immunocompetent.

How many times should I get the vaccine?

The influenza vaccine is administered yearly. The effectiveness of this vaccine wears down over time hence the need for a booster dose. More importantly, flu viruses are always changing (mutation). This makes it necessary to review the vaccine formulation and update.

Does it mean I won't have the flu once I get the vaccine?

A flu vaccine doesn’t mean you absolutely cannot get a flu infection. However, it significantly reduces frequency and severity of infection. In the very unlikely event you get infected, it reduces chances of you being hospitalized. Most importantly, it reduces the chances of spreading flu to your family and friends.

Can the vaccine make me sick?

Chances of the vaccine making anyone sick are very very low. The exception is if you already had the virus in your body to begin with. This is because the flu vaccine comes in the form of a killed or inactivated virus or proteins of the virus.

What are the side effects of the vaccine?

Minor side effects may be experienced in a very small percentage of the population. This includes soreness at the site of administration, low-grade fever, or allergic reactions to components of the vaccine. Majority of people don’t report side effects.

How is the vaccine administered?

The vaccine is administered as an injection on the upper arm.

How soon will the vaccine start working?

Like most vaccines, the flu vaccine takes around 14 days for the body to produce antibodies against the flu.

Where can I get the vaccine?

The vaccine is administered at certified vaccination clinics. Some of our centers are Portal Pharmacy along Banda Street in Nairobi CBD or our clinic at Two Rivers Mall. 

With this information in mind, I hope you will be able to make an informed decision. Go that extra step to protect your nearest and dearest from the flu.

Did you know?

Flu vaccines or flu shots protect you from the influenza virus which is responsible for most common upper respiratory tract infections. The vaccine works by causing your body to develop antibodies against the influenza virus.